CENTRE DE DOCUMENTACIÓ I MUSEU TÈXTIL         Salmerón 25, 08222 Terrassa Tel. 937315202|info@cdmt.cat

Monthly Archives: March 2019

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El Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa participa en la 1ª Jornada técnica: La restauración del patrimonio científico, técnico e industrial.

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2019-04-01T12:48:26+02:00Curation|Comments Off on El Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa participa en la 1ª Jornada técnica: La restauración del patrimonio científico, técnico e industrial.

Museu Tèxtil and the XVII Terrassa Modernist Fair

As the Modernisme clothing courses advance and the students work on their own outfits, here are some activities coming up that are open to the general public, in preparation for the great Modernisme event of the year: Performance and guided tour of the Modernisme collection. A live demonstration of how women of this era got [...]

2019-05-02T13:18:07+02:00Activities|Comments Off on Museu Tèxtil and the XVII Terrassa Modernist Fair
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