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Slide exposició "Sorolla y la Moda"

If you are interested in Modernisme textiles, the museum has many resources that are available in person or online.

Firstly, the Museu Textile’s Modernisme collection, which is large and varied. It features fabric, clothing and accessories, linens, swatch books, designs, original drawings, point paper and archives. We invite you to discover our Modernisme collection by visiting our exhibitions periodically (which often feature Modernisme pieces) or by exploring our online database, IMATEX.

You will also find abundant information on the Modernisme era in our specialised library. You can see all the material available on clothing, accessories, fabrics and art from this period in the section labelled thematic resources: Modernisme. A collection of books, articles, magazines, prints, novels and catalogues that reference that era and show the clothes, accessories and fabrics that were worn then.

You’ll also find the catalogues from the Museu Textile’s main exhibitions from the past decade: Les fàbriques i els somnis. El modernisme tèxtil a Catalunya (2002), Interiors del 1900, Adolf Mas, fotògraf (2002), L’eclosió del tèxtil (2002), Josep Palau Oller, del modernisme a l’art déco (2003), Moderníssims (2005), Pau Rodon, un modernista d’avantguarda (2006) and L’herbari modernista (2006). You can find the museum’s publications in our bookshop.

Plus, we encourage you to check out our online calendar so you can participate in the activities associated with Modernisme we offer, in various formats, throughout the year.

For families with children, we have activities associated with Modernisme clothing to do at home with these illustrated prints that you can download for free.

We’ve also included links to a series of articles written by our curator Mercè López on menswear, women’s wear, underwear, textiles for the home and how the popular classes dressed. Finally, you’ll find some prints illustrated by Rosa Rubio with a short explanation of the styles of those times.


Imatge detall cursos sobre moda modernista.

The Museum’s desire to teach and share has inspired a whole series of training opportunities focusing on Modernisme and textiles that take place over the course of the year.

Each year before the Fair, we launch our course “Make your own Modernisme garment”, teaching participants how to create a historically accurate outfit based on the original pieces in the museum collection. The workshop on Modernisme hats complements this course and is normally scheduled as a continuation of those classes.

In recent years, our Modernisme training has been updated and we now offer sessions that delve deeper into Modernisme patterns and dressmaking, tutorials for making a specific garment, and even incorporate upcycling.

The dates and conditions of the courses are announced each autumn and they tend to begin in late January. Check our Calendar or the Training section on the website for more information on previous courses, those under way or yet to come.


Slider pàgina d'inici Fira Modernista 2019.

The links between the Terrassa Textile Museum and Modernist Fair go back a long way: as a platform for teaching and raising awareness on a local level, we participate in this great fun, sociocultural event that takes place each year in our city.

Activities at the Museum during the Modernist Fair

From 2000, for the Modernist Fair of Terrassa, the museum dresses up in Modernisme style and hosts temporary exhibitions for the occasion.

Some of the exhibitions associated with the Modernist Fair have been particularly successful, including “Intimates. Modernisme Underwear”, from 2016. Others featured audience participation: “Inspirations from Modernisme” (2014). For the 2018 fair, the “Modernisme Toast” exhibition was created through a collaboration with the Terrassa Museum and was on display in the glass room at Casa Alegre de Sagrera.

The latest of these exhibitions was in 2019, when the museum launched its Movie dresses exhibition featuring original pieces, outfits recreated by students from the clothing courses and film costumes created by renowned Terrassa designer Mercè Paloma.

From the beginning of our participation in the Fair, we’ve had an information booth on Raval de Montserrat hosting activities that include a great workshop for kids and their families.

There is also the now-traditional parade, which leaves from the Museum and travels through the streets of the city centre. The activity is open to anyone interested in participating who comes dressed in period-appropriate clothes. The video “Vestits modernistes” (Modernisme clothing) shows past parades.

The Modernisme fashion show is an event that started at the Modernist Fair in Terrassa but has now been exported to similar festivals all over Catalonia. The models showcase elegant outfits they created themselves after an intense process of learning, creating and crafting.

Also, on the Sunday of the Fair, there are normally guided tours of the temporary exhibitions and the museum’s restoration workshop.

In 2020, the Modernist Fair went virtual and we put loads of Modernisme heritage and videos on social media, one starring students of our current courses.

Below you’ll find several photo galleries and a selection of videos of all the activities the museum has hosted in recent years for the Modernist Fair of Terrassa.

Photos recent fairs

Videos past fairs