The magazine is published biannually and Datatèxtil wants to fill the gap in the magazines of art, history and heritage, where normally the textile and fashion are absent.
From the number 28 magazine published in digital format, and you can download the free (by clicking on the cover). In the library you can consult Datatèxtil on paper from number 0 to 27.
The full-text from articles of Datatèxtil can be consulted in open access on the cooperative repository RACO, Catalan Journals in Open Access. (Acces to the RACO)
Datatèxtil digital
Datatèxtil in paper
Printed back issues can be purchased online, by phone 937 315 202, or by e-mail.
The editions of the Center aims to publicize the result of research programs, disseminate aspects linked to the preservation of the textile objects, and deepening aspects of textile and fashion world from a historical, anthropological and artistic point of view.
Digital publications
(Available on paper. Price: 15€.)
en Textil y Moda
17 y 18 de noviembre de 2017
Paper publications
Also, you could buy the magazine by phone at 937 315 202 or via e-mail.
You can consult all these publications in the library.
el vestit i el cos
a l’Art Decó