CENTRE DE DOCUMENTACIÓ I MUSEU TÈXTIL         Salmerón 25, 08222 Terrassa Tel. 937315202|info@cdmt.cat



With IMATEX, the Museu Tèxtil database of textile pieces, offers the public over 31,000 textile documents and 100,000 photographs from all eras and cultures: fabrics, original designs, sample books, dress, complements and household linen and liturgical garments. Each entry comprises one or more images, along with information on materials, techniques, chronology and decoration. The objective of this digital file is to stimulate ideas and offer support to professionals in textile design and fashion, and to help researchers and all those interested in textile heritage to consult the CDMT’s stocks.

We invite you to enter our collections and exploit it to create new products, for research or just to enjoy the content: imatex.cdmt.cat

For more information: ssaladrigas@cdmt.cat

Imatge pàgina inici IMATEX nou


Participamos en el proyecto europeo de investigación “Silknow”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español and Català. El Museu Tèxtil participa como asesor en el proyecto europeo de investigación “Silknow” (https://silknow.eu/). El proyecto parte de la información digital de tejidos de seda [...]

Categories: Heritage stocks, Imatex|Tags: , |

Documentación del fondo de complementos del Museu Tèxtil

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español and Català. Entre los meses de junio y septiembre, la doctora Cristina Sanjust, historiadora del arte, ha colaborado con el Museu Tèxtil documentando parte del fondo de [...]

Categories: Heritage stocks, Imatex|Tags: |
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